How do I see offers submitted on a negotiation that I'm participating in as a buyer?


How do I see offers submitted on a negotiation that I'm participating in as a buyer? 


1. Once you click on the property from your Dashboard, you'll land on the Timeline page. This page will show you the timeline of offers that have been submitted on that property - with the most recent offer being displayed at the top of the list. In the example below, you'll see the number of offers and the order in which each offer was submitted.

Buyer Timeline_Offer_1

2. Under the Offers tab you will see details of your offer and the other offers.

Buyer Timeline_Offer_2

Depending on the transparency settings set by the listing agent (as instructed by the seller), you will see more details on both the Timeline and Offers tabs, such as the offer amount or whether the offer has any conditions/contingencies.