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  3. Invite your Clients to Openn

Invite your Sellers to Openn

In this guide, we'll cover how to invite your seller(s) to Openn as a listing agent. 

You'll need to launch your property on Openn in order to add your seller(s) and invite them to participate in the negotiation. 

1. When you import your listing, you'll be able to add your seller(s) on the Edit Property tab. When you reach this step in the process, you'll click Add Seller. See our Import a Listing guide to learn how to launch a listing on Openn.

Add Seller

2. Enter your client's information on the Add Seller page, and select Next to continue uploading your listing.


Important: Once you officially launch your listing, your seller(s) will receive an invite email to create an account and monitor the negotiation, so we recommend giving your clients a heads-up before you launch the property. You can always add your seller at any time after you launch the listing by editing the property and following the above steps, the notification will be sent to your client once you click save.

Be sure to share our helpful Homeowner's Guide with your clients!