Manage Offer Settings for Buyer Agents

In this guide, we'll cover the different offer settings available in Openn.

As a Listing Agent, you'll determine these settings for Buyer Agents when you add a listing in Openn, specifically within the Property tab and the Instructions tab.

Property Tab

1. As you upload your listing, you'll have the opportunity to choose which visibility options you want to share with the buyer agents, buyers, observers, and integration channels.

Edit Prop - Offer Visibility

Below is a brief description of each option: 

  • Allow Observers: This allows other consumers or agents to observe 'live' offers that are submitted. Observers can be invited to join as an observer by the Listing Agent in order to gain access to the platform.
  • Deadline Type: Should you require a delayed presentation of offers or irrevocable direction regarding presentation of offers, selecting Deadline brings up the Offer Submission Deadline settings. Deadline Type allows you to show a date or a countdown timer. 
  • Integration's: Certain offer visibility details will appear on integration channels when they are turned on. Turning on CREA will send some details to whereas Event API will send details to other destinations. NOTE: Event API is an option only available for Brokerages to integrate Openn Offers with their Brokerage Website.

Once you've launched your listing, the offer settings will display on the property page under "Transparency Settings" for all participants to view, as shown below.

Prop-Transparecny Matrix

Instructions Tab

1. As you continue uploading your listing, you'll be able to determine which details the buyer agents must provide when submitting an offer.

Edit Prop - Instructions-1

You might be asking yourself: what do the choices mean (mandatory, optional, and hidden)?

Let's take escalations as an example: 

  • If you select "Mandatory", the buyer agent is required to provide whether or not their client's offer is subject to an escalation clause. 
  • If you select "Optional", the buyer agent will not be required to provide an answer, but will have the option to respond.
  • If you select "Hidden", the buyer agent will not be prompted to provide a response (i.e. questions about escalations will not appear at all when the buyer agent is submitting the offer details).